
Here I post about various accomplishments acheived by me chronologically

Why did I put up an
Accomplishments page

The accomplishment page serves as a testament to my hard work, dedication, and passion in various projects and endeavors. It not only highlights the milestones I have reached but also demonstrates the range of skills and expertise I possess. By sharing these achievements, I aim to inspire others, demonstrate my commitment to excellence, and foster a sense of trust and credibility among potential collaborators, clients, and employers. Moreover, reflecting on past accomplishments motivates me to strive for even greater heights in the future, perpetuating a cycle of growth and improvement. Thank you for visiting this page, and I hope my achievements can resonate with you as much as they have shaped my journey.

Jan 31, 2024

Selected for pretigious MITACS GRI program
TMU, Toronto, Canada

Got selected in the prestigious MITACS GRI program which offers research internship to students across globe in Canadian research intitutes. I worked on 'Design, Development and Testing of Motor Controller for Precise Torque Control' at Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto, Canada under Prof. Kourosh Zareinia.

Nov 4, 2023

Finalist T-Works Byte Bending Championship 2023
T-Works, Hyderabad

Out of the 600 teams that had participated in this national-level embedded systems challenge, my team was among the top 20 finalists and had a chance to attend the finals at T-Works, Hyderabad, where in the stage 1 of finals, our team came 5th. Later T-Works also offered me an internship in embedded systems.

March 23, 2023

IIT Gandhinagar

Got selected for Summer Research Internship Project (SRIP), IIT Gandhinagar. Only approx. 100 of us got selected for the program out of approx. 36000 who applied for the program throughout India.

April 23-24, 2023

RC Escapade
Intra-IIT competition

This competiton was held during Tirutsava-2023, Annual Techno-cultural fest of IIT, Tirupati. In this competition, we had to design and build a RC race car from scratch using the limited budget alloted to us. We ended up winning this competition, no other RC car could win against our car.

January 26, 2023

Shaastra 2023 (IIT Madras)

A digital circuit design and implementation competition in which many colleges participated and we got selected for the finals were we were in top 15 teams.